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Downtown San Jose - Research

Downtown San Jose
Hospitality Listings

Welcome to the LodgingGuide hospitality research service's list of properties in the Downtown San Jose area. This page shows area properties from an industry perspective. If you are looking to reserve a room, please use the corresponding HotelGuide page. The restaurants shown are only those located on hotel properties.

Branded / Chains (4)

Best Western Downtown
7th Ave. and 6th St., San Jose
Vendors: 4
Clarion Hotel Amon Downtown
Avenida 11 y Calle 3 Bos., San Jose
Vendors: 2
Holiday Inn San Jose - Aurola
5th Ave. & 5th St., San Jose
Vendors: 8
Radisson Europa Hotel
Calle 3 Avenida 15, San Jose
Vendors: 2

Independents (17)

Alameda Hotel
Central Ave., San Jose
Vendors: 0
Autentico Hotel
Ave 5 and 7 calle 40, Sabana Este, San Jose
Vendors: 2
Meetings: 1 room
Barcelo Parque Del Lago
2nd Avenida & 40-42nd St., San Jose
Vendors: 0
Costa Rica Morazan
Avenida Calle 7, San Jose
Vendors: 0
Diana's Inn
Calle 5, Avenida 3, San Jose
Vendors: 0
Doņa Ines Hotel
Avenida 2-4 Calle 11, San Jose
Vendors: 0
Ejecutivo Napoleon Hotel
Calle 40, Avenida 5, San Jose
Vendors: 0
Gran Hotel Costa Rica
Avenida 1 & 2- Calle 3, San Jose
Vendors: 0
Hostel La Corte
Ave. 6 St. 21 and 25, San Jose
Vendors: 0
Hotel Capital
4th St., San Jose
Vendors: 0
Hotel Castillo
Ave. 9 Calle 9, San Jose
Vendors: 0
Hotel Don Carlos
Calle 9, Avenida 9, San Jose
Vendors: 0
Hotel La Posada De Don Tobias
7th and 9th Ave. 12th St., San Jose
Vendors: 0
Hotel Presidente
Calle 7, San Jose
Vendors: 2
Meetings: 1 room
Hotel la Cuesta
Avenida 1, Calle 11 y 15, San Jose
Vendors: 0
Meetings: 2 rooms, 3,000 sq ft.
La Pampa Hostel
5th Ave. St. 20 and 22, San Jose
Vendors: 0
Quality Hotel Real San Jose
Autopista Prospero Fernandez Costado, San Jose
Vendors: 6
Meetings: 1 room

Restaurants in Hotels (1)

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